Creatine 101: The basics you need to know with Jai

Creatine 101: The basics you need to know with Jai

CREATINE WHAT IS CREATINE Creatine is a natural occurring compound found in the muscles. WHAT DOSE CREATINE DO Taking creatine helps your body produce apt which is your body’s energy currency, when you have more apt you can push yourself further before fatigue sets in which results in better workouts and greater muscle growth. HOW TO TAKE CREATINE The most recommended way to take creatine is to start of with a loading phase for the first 7-10 days you want to be taking 10 grams then once your loading phase is over you want to be taking 5 grams as a maintenance dose daily and it dose not matter when you take it as long as you’re getting it in each day. WHAT ARE OTHER BENEFITS OF CREATINE Creatine has also shown to have other benefits such a skin and brain function.
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